VAMANA (Detoxification by Vomitting)

Highlights of Treatment

Vamana is a Detoxification process of the body in which the body is cleansed internally by induced and controlled Vomitting. For a healthy life, every person should undergo Vamana Panchakarma in each Vasant Rutu i.e. in the month of January and February to detoxify the body and prevent of diseases arising from Kapha Dosha.


Process - Initially Pachana medicines are given for roughly 1 week depending upon person to person. Some diet restrictions are to be followed during this period. Then Ayurvedic Ghrutapaan (having Ayurvedic medicated ghee) is conducted roughly for 5 days as per requirement. After that Sarvanga Snehana and Swedana is carried out for two days. On the first day of Sarvanga Snehana Swedana, specific diet (Utkleshaka Aahara) is to be taken as recommended by the doctor. On the second day in the morning, after Sarvanga Snehana and Swedana, Vaamaka medicines are given which starts the cleansing of body by induced vomiting which stops generally within 3 to 4 hours. After that strict diet plan is given which needs to be followed for 5 days.

Vamana Panchakarma is generally advised to patients having Skin disorders, Hyperacidity, Asthama, Hypothyroidism, Migrane, Kaphaja Vyadhi and many more.